Here We Go Again!

Hi there
Scamp here.  It's a very long time since I have been allowed near a computer - about 6 years in fact since we left our beloved Middleton-in-Teesdale. My humans have been back there a couple of times since we left, but I got left behind. I can't think why, as everyone tells me what a lovely dog I am. Something to do with sheep, I think because last time we were there I got butted and thrown in the air, not once but twice by one who seemed worried by me being a bit close to her lambs. And I was connected to my human by a lead so they should have kept me safe....Ah well.
But lots has happened since then. Lots and lots.

We started our new life in Suffolk. Lovely it was.  Occasionally got down to the beach, but I don't really much like that watery stuff. You think you are ok and then all of a sudden it throws itself at you and you get all wet, so I steer clear of it.  But there I had a real nasty. I was staying somewhere else and managed to slip outside unseen and was crossing the road when a noisy van came by and didn't miss me. Did some damage to my back left leg. Had to have an operation. For a while I was on something they called methadone to make me better. Boy! It took me to another world. Wow! Quite forgot all my troubles! Anyway they managed to  put my leg back together again and I have a metal plate with 9 screws holding me together.  I walk like a youngster these days.

But then we moved yet again. I mean! These people never seem to settle in one place! I get to know my territory - and the other dogs around (they are all a bit much to be honest - but I manage to keep em in their place! There was one - an Alsatian called..? Forgotten his name.."Prince" "Sultan"? Forgotten - it was something a bit grand. Always trying to herd me, push me around. Now me, I am a very patient gentle creature, but it was a bit much so one day when he was literally standing over me I gave him just a little nip on his underside. He never tried it again. So there we were living somewhere else. Great Yeldham I think they call it. Not many sheep here, just one small flock nearby. Most walks are on roads, although there are a couple of places where I am allowed to run free. And thereby hangs my latest dice with death. Of which more, another time.

Time for a rest. (I am ancient you know - nearly 90.)
